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NCVYS Mission

The NCVYS (National Council for Voluntary Youth Service) is a leading representative body for community and voluntary youth organisations which work on behalf of or with young people throughout England. Supporting a wide range of members, NCVYS works includes both local and regional networks within their scope of activity had has been striving for more than 80 years to raise youth work's profile, to influence the policies which impact on England's young people and youth organisations, and to share best practice.

NCVYS Publications

As part of its remit, the NCVYS publishes a number of different publications in order to raise awareness of youth issues, to promote better understanding of the problems which today's youth are facing and highlighting stories that have appeared in the news that have an impact on younger people in England's modern society. Taking online gambling and bingo sites that present danger for youths, partnering with the responsible leaders in the niche like the market leader in online bingo industry - TopRatedBingoSites.co.uk. We strongly believe that with the help of such established and responsible companies the dangers of attracting young people to gambling will get lower.

The scope of publications under the NCVYS umbrella include magazines, newsletters and information packs, all of which are aimed at a variety of audiences and are designed to give practical advice, wide ranging information and to pinpoint events which could be of interest to its membership sector around the country. By quoting case studies and by analysing policies, their publications are designed to be read both by young people themselves and also by those within their membership organisations.

  • NCVYS carrer guide

    Careers Guide

    • A publication which is aimed specifically at young people who are looking for their first career move, this pamphlet offers a simple introduction to careers that they may be interested in within the community and voluntary youth sector.

  • motivation pamphlet

    Factor In Faith

    • This pamphlet is designed to be a guide for youth organisations, persuading them to think again about the ways in which they approach culture and faith with young people within their membership.

  • NCVYS training volunteers

    Keeping It Safe

    • This toolkit is a guide for voluntary youth organisations about safeguarding standards. Offering practical advice and information about organisational procedures and policies as well as safe selection and recruitment, how to report any suspicions, allegations or concerns, how to manage volunteer and paid staff members, how to offer support, training and education and how to supply safe activities, this toolkit forms a key component of the Sound Systems accreditation scheme which operates nationally to promote, recognise and encourage good practice in child protection and safeguarding.

  • magazine covers


    • This national magazine is published on a quarterly basis and covers a number of issues which are considered to be of interest to the community and voluntary youth sector. Among the articles are those which relate to current news events as well as recent policy changes which affect young people in England, and there is a selection of articles together with case studies in every edition which offer organisations and individuals who work within this sector practical advice.

The readership of Exchange magazine us approximately 3000 across the length and breadth of the country, and every quarter, the front cover is designed by a different young designer who uses their own unique artwork to capture the magazine's theme. Some of the previous issue covers have been created by Saliqur Rohman, a young designer from East London. His 2009 Spring issue cover depicted a theme surrounding faith and young people. The following issue in Summer 2009 was centred around disabilities, and the cover was created by a young designer from Manchester, Gareth Daley, who used the key tagline “disable the label”. The use of young designers in the creation of each issue's cover is designed to live the values of the organisation, through the involvement of youths in the organisation's work and in the implementation of its vision. As an added benefit, the young designers also benefit from the additional promotion and exposure they receive from being so prominently featured.

NCVYS Values

The NCVYS has a commitment to 3 values which guide the principles of their work

  • Equality
    It is a firm belief that every individual has equal rights and an equal worth. NCVYS intend to live up to these values by supporting and encouraging organisations and individuals to challenge inequality and promote equality anywhere and everywhere
  • Responsibility
    NCVYS believes strongly in the interdependency of communities, and that every action has a consequence on the well-being of England's young people, and the communities in which they live
  • Initiative
    NCVYS holds to the belief that a can-do attitude and enterprising spirit lies at the centre of all empowered communities, with this being the key to being able to implement change. NCVYS strives to live up to these values by supporting and encouraging organisations and individuals to take the initiative wherever and whenever possible

The NCVYS Strategy

These strategies are drawn from NCVYS's deep knowledge of England's youth sector as well as the needs of young people and our membership organisations. They have built their strategy on three key strategic aims.

To act in the role of a champion for community and voluntary youth organisations to ensure that they experiences that they offer are placed at the heart of public policy.

To support community and voluntary youth organisations when they break new ground to ensure that their practice with young people is more effective.

To act the role of a facilitator and broker of consortia, partnerships and networks in order for community and voluntary youth organisations to become more sustainable and efficient.

Latest News

NCVYS Closure

The NCVYS as an independent organisation finally closed its doors on 1st April 2016 after 8 decades of service having transferred a number of its services to a range of other organisations and charities.

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